Established Since 2001

Straight To The Volt!

Dog House Electric is on a mission to be accepted by everyone for all electrical challenges. We are a reputable electrical company rendering same day electrician service to this community as a whole. Our technicians excel at all categories of projects, be it motion sensor lighting, wiring installation, or electrical panel service upgrade. We have a round-the-clock 24 hour electrician for emergency power restoration.

Business Hours

Our skilled workforce operate a shift system. As such, we are available to work on all days of the week, including nights and holidays. We'll always respond when you call.

Services Area

An insured electrician service located in Fort Worth, servicing the entire Tarrant County.

Our Services

We are your final stop for all electrical faults and projects. Our certified electrician crew undertakes electrical panel installation, light switch repair, light fixture installation, GFCI outlet repair, and circuit breaker upgrade. We are also available to install ground wire, restore power, repair outlets, and install ceiling fans. Our emergency electrical service is available throughout the year.


7401 Sand St, Fort Worth, TX 76118